Thursday, October 15, 2009

Copenhagen 7/12/09

Today is Blog Action Day 2009...
Climate change affects us all and it threatens more than the environment. It threatens to cause famine, flooding, war, and millions of refugees. Cop15 (United Nations Climate Change Conference 7-18 December 2009) is now just around the corner.
Given the urgency of the issue of climate change and the upcoming international climate negotiations in Copenhagen this December, the blogosphere has today the unique opportunity to mobilize millions of people around expressing support for finding a sustainable solution to the climate crisis.
In Denmark, it is great to see that so many people have such great views on environmental issues. But still in everyday life, it sometimes doesn't feel like it matters so much. Like the use of electricity, I live in a place where the neighbours find completly normal to let the commune lights shine all night long and don't want to be bothered to switch it off, ever!! Come on, let's get a grip and just get used to use a switch, it is not that hard.
To end the day, just pay a visit to the Time for Climate Change
website where you can download the song "Beds are burning".

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