Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A little cup of æblekage?

Some time ago, at the coffee shop, a nice picture catches my attention: a cup of apple sauce that looks homemade. The name on the card literally means apple pie, but hey my Danish was not terrible yet ...
Yummy, knowing that here a good apple sauce is very rare, I decided to try it. Surprise, it's much more than a sauce, as I discovered a layer of cake at the bottom and a layer of whipped cream on top (it was not the picture!).
Verdict, a good dessert a little more caloric than a standard apple sauce but well, we will not be grumpy for that! So now, let's admit it, I am an addict!


  1. This looks delicious...!

  2. Yes, it is quite good! Just before Christmas season, you have to be careful not to have too many....
