Be careful here, you don't have to pass any door, so you may well get on a train without even thinking about tickets... (at least in a bus, the driver would stop you). Beware not to try it though, you would soon discover the 600 kr. fine the not convincing enough "I am a tourist, I didn't know, I am sorry" excuse would get you....
For occasional travelers who do not have a monthly card, never forget to "klipp" a ticket (klippekort) in one of the yellow composter.
When you always want to get the best price, you quickly get addicted to collecting colors!
This is clairly one of the most complicated ticketing system I have ever seen...!
Note: with the card on the right, you have to klipp once to travel with a bike. They really thought of everything ...
The advantages of these cards: they are cheaper than single tickets and can travel in a party (multiply the number of klipp by the number of passengers). Bon voyage!
See this page for 2010 prices (in Danish)
Great explanation of how to klip. I have visited Denmark a few times and always need a reminder.